Colorado State University Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence. The Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence (CHCC), an academic institution housed at Colorado State University, is focused on integrating transformative science, education, and outreach to minimize conflict and facilitate coexistence between humans and carnivores.

Colorado Department of Agriculture
The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) provides the following links to existing wolf resources and information as a service to Colorado’s farmers and ranchers.

Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife is responsible for conducting outreach regarding wolf reintroduction and is the managing authority over wolves in the state.

Idaho Fish & Game
Wildlife Conservation & Management in Idaho

International Coexistence Wildlife Network
Organization studying how humans and wildlife can coexist.

MN Department of Natural Resources
Minnesota’s wolf legacy is unique: its northeastern corner of lakes and sub-boreal forest once sheltered the last remaining wild wolves in the lower 48 states.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Wolf Conservation & Management in Montana

National Park Service
Gray Wolf information

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Wolf Management Plan

Project Hero
Quest for Coexistence with Wolves

US Fish & Wildlife Service
Gray Wolves in the Northern Rockies

US Fish & Wildlife Service
Gray Wolves in the Western Great Lakes States

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Wolf Conservation and Management

Western Landowners Alliance
Conflict prevention, Control, Compensation & Collaboration

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wolves in Wisconsin

Wyoming Game & Fish Department
Wolves management in Wyoming

Yellowstone Science
Yellowstone Science shares information from scientists and researchers with the public to highlight in-depth, science-based knowledge about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Yellowstone Reports
Paid subscription for daily reports on the wolves in Yellowstone