


When you think of wolf reintroduction what emotion do you feel?
Pride & Hope

Do you remember the first time you heard about wolves? (Fairytale, newspaper, family)?
I can’t say I know the first time, but I would assume it was Little Red Riding Hood or the Big Bad Wolf blowing down pig houses.

Do you want to see wolves reintroduced in Colorado?

What do you want people to know about wolves?
Reality, on a number of issues. 
* Wolves present virtually no danger to humans

* Elk and deer populations in MT, ID, and WY have INCREASED since wolf restoration
Some ranchers will suffer losses, which can be very hard on the individual rancher, but wolf depredation on livestock as a whole will not cause the destruction of ranching
And on….

What do you want to know about wolves?
I want to see how they occupy Colorado and how they become a part of our wildlife community, just like mountain lions and bears.